The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do in the next 60 seconds after a determined thought.
BK Sister Shivani said in one of her videos:
“The average person has about 60,000 thoughts per day, and 90% of these are repetitive.
So if you can direct just a few of those thoughts into taking determined action for 60 seconds, you’ll be miles ahead of where you are today.”
It struck a chord with me.
Immediately, I thought about all the things I could do in a minute that could hugely impact my life in the long run.
And, trust me, there were quite a lot of things!
Plus, they don’t need willpower, focus, or motivation to get done — which is a huge plus, considering we are always low on at least one of these three things.
So, if you want to start now, “start small.” Let the compounding effect do the rest as you visibly see a change in your life in 6 months.
Here are only those micro-habits that I’ve practiced and seen radical results in.
I). Don’t pick up your phone after you wake up
The first 60 seconds of your day sets the tone for the next 23 hours and 59 minutes. So, what you do in that first-minute matters a lot.
Some people like to meditate or do engage in affirmations. Others take a minute to express gratitude or re-program their subconscious mind.
Others still like to do nothing for that first minute — pick up their phones and mindlessly address notifications. And they blame external situations for their overwhelm.
Choose what works for you. But ensure you do something purposefully in the first minute after you wake up. It’ll set the tone for the rest of the day and help you be more productive, positive, and mindful.
Here are some ideas:
2). Mental distancing is the need of the hour
I get it — celebrity gossip is juicy. Social media trolls give you an adrenaline rush. A thirst trap excites you. A negative response makes you want to give it back.
But do yourself a favor.
You’ve tried physical distancing; now try mental distancing.
Just hit that mute/block/unfollow/unsubscribe button already!
Your thoughts are governed by the information you feed your mind.
You don’t need to prove anything to anyone online. You don’t need the garbage that social media sells these days. You don’t need cheap dopamine.
This small step will reflect on your mental health within two days. I bet.
3). Put things back where they belong after use
It’s a recipe for disaster to focus simply on the “taking out” step without paying attention to “putting back in.”
Keep in mind that it takes only a minute to put anything away. Or it might take an hour to put away the week’s worth of clutter.
And a cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind. So, be responsible.
It might not seem like a big deal, but it’ll make a difference in your stress levels.
Plus, it’s just good manners!
4). Give yourself a pep talk
When was the last time you told yourself, “I can do this?”
Most of us are too hard on ourselves, and our inner dialogue reflects that.
Take a minute to change the script. Talk to yourself like you talk to your best friend. Be encouraging, understanding, and motivating.
One minute of pep talk will change how you look at yourself and your capabilities.
Otherwise, the negative inner monologue will keep dragging you down until you’re exhausted and paralyzed in fear.
5). Drink water after caffeinated drinks
At every dental hygiene appointment, my dentist complains of coffee stains on my teeth. I know I should give up my beloved caffeine fix, but I can’t do it.
So, he came up with a compromise: drink water after every caffeinated beverage. It not only helps remove any coffee stains but also helps prevent them in the first place.
Plus, it’s good for your health!
Drinking water helps to flush out toxins and keep your skin looking healthy.
The next time you reach for a cup of coffee, drink a glass of water or gargle afterward.
6). Fix your posture
Sit up straight. Pull your shoulders back. Uncross your legs. Take a deep breath.
Good posture not only makes you look more confident, but it also has a plethora of health benefits. It reduces stress, improves circulation, prevents back pain, and even helps you breathe better.
Good posture is something you should aim for all day long, not just when you’re sitting at your desk. But if you can’t seem to remember to fix your posture, set a reminder on your phone for every hour.
It’ll only take a minute to check, but it’ll make a world of difference in the long run.
7). Take a deep breath
No, seriously. Just take a deep breath in and let it out slowly.
Deep breathing has countless benefits, from reducing stress to improving focus and concentration. It’s also been shown to boost your immunity and energy levels.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, take a minute to stop and breathe deeply. It’ll help clear your mind and give you the strength to face whatever challenges come your way.
8). A hack for “I don’t have time”
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “I don’t have time for that” a million times.
But the truth is, we have plenty of time.
Just look at your screen time. How many hours do you spend mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching TV?
Now, imagine what you could do with all that time. You could read an interesting book, take a nature walk, cook a healthy meal, or spend quality time with your family.
A simple hack to save time is “disable all your notifications.”
If you want to change your life, you need to change your priorities.
Make time for the things that are important to you, even if it means saying no to other things.
9). Tamper With Your Morning Alarm
If your mornings are feeling more like a rodeo with the clock than the calm you crave, you need to take action.
Don’t go trying to pull a 30-minute or 10-minute head start, because that’s just too much. Nuh-uh. You’re gonna miss that sleep, and I don’t want that for you. No, no.
You’re gonna set that alarm 60 seconds earlier, every day. Every. Damn. Day.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “That’s a small change.”
But let me tell you something, 10 days from now, you’ll have a whole 10 extra minutes in your morning.
And you won’t even miss it. No, no. You can spend it meditating, treating yourself to a fancy skincare routine, or just sipping on a cup of coffee in peace and quiet.